In March We Are Not Your Soldiers presenters spoke remotely at three alternative NYC high schools, a NYC middle school and to Spanish-dominant bilingual high school students in Philadelphia. A co-teacher at one of the NYC high schools wrote following Will’s talk:
Thank you so much for your visit and your presentation today! I can’t tell you how valuable of an experience that was for our students. We have been discussing and debriefing since you left. You touched on many issues we have been discussing in class, and your personal experience as a veteran adds so much that we can not. You had a huge impact on our students, and I can’t thank you enough for that. We appreciate you taking the time to be with us and share some of your experiences today.
A teacher at another school wrote to Miles:
Thank you so much for the powerful visit… Many students were very moved by your experiences and presentation. Miles, you spoke to them in a way that I can’t, and they received a message that they need to hear. It’s difficult and emotional for a few of the young men but it’s an experience that will have a lasting impact. Thank you for that.
And from the middle school teacher about Joy:
Our students cannot stop talking about Joy! Her story has struck a cord with them and they are so grateful.
With each of the speakers, students asked many perceptive questions and made interesting connections about U.S. dominance, similarities between the police and the military and linking up to broader philosophical questions such as when Miles pointed out how the military breaks your moral compass. Here are some of the questions that students asked Joy whose Army role was as a “reporter”:
- Do you think that anyone should join the military? If so, who would be the best fit? Who would you recommend not join and why?
- When you interviewed soldiers, what kinds of responses did you ignore when you reported?
- Do you think the experience of soldiers changes depending on the administration in power?
- If you could change one thing about the military, what would it be?
- What do you think the soldiers are feeling like in Ukraine?
- How did you leave the army, and what was that like? Was that process different for men who wanted to leave?
- Do you have bad nightmares or PTSD?
- What was your training like on a day-to-day schedule?
- Do you know about Vanessa Guillen’s death and can you speak about your perspective on that tragedy?