2015: John Burns speaking to two classes in a JROTC program. The first class had seen a clip from “Collateral Murder” released by Chelsea (Bradley) Manning and narrated by another veteran. Some very thoughtful questions were asked of John about the video by those students. “Why did they kill children?” “Why did they talk about people in Iraq in such a messed up way?” Video.
2019: Lyle Rubin in New York Times video. Video.
2020: Miles Megaciph presenting to a class of English language learners in a NYC high school. Video.
2020: Miles Megaciph in conversation with students in a NYC high school. Video.
2020: Miles Megaciph interviewed on World Beyond War. Podcast.
2020: Audio of Miles Megaciph’s visit with a class at Nassau Community College in NY. Audio.
2021: An evening panel discussion with the presenters who go into classrooms and dialogue with students: John Burns, Will Griffin, Miles Megaciph, Lyle Rubin and Joe Urgo. Video.
2021: John Burns and Rosa del Duca speak with NYC college classes. Video.
2021: Joe Urgo interviewed about Dewey Canyon III. Video.
2021: Memorial Day radio interview of Joe Urgo and Joy Damiani. Audio.
2022: Joy Damiani, Will Griffin and Lyle Rubin speak to middle school, high school and college students in NYC. Video.
2022: Miles Megaciph on how he truly serves. Video.
2022: Joy Damiani, an Army veteran who had been stationed in Iraq as a “journalist,” shares her story and answers questions from students at a NYC middle school in the spring. This is one of only a very few instances of a presentation to this age group. These students had done a lot of studying over the year and were well-prepared, as you will see from this video. Video.
2022: Excerpts of Lyle Rubin’s talk with a college ethics class in NYC where he concentrates on depersonalization and dehumanization in Boot Camp and transformational issues. Video.
2022: Will Griffin, Army veteran, who had tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, shares his story and a special slide show filled with historical and current background information with a class in an alternative high school in NYC. Video.
2022: Memorial Day radio interview of Joe Urgo and John Burns. Audio.
2023: Two radio interviews with Joy Damiani. Audio.
2023: The Free Thought Project Podcast hosts a conversation with veterans Will Griffin and Joe Urgo. Podcast.
2023: Miles Megaciph speaks with activist college students in Georgia. Video.
2023: Miles Megaciph and Debra Sweet interviewed by David Swanson for Talk World Radio. Podcast. Video.
2023: Joe Urgo on guarding nukes in the U.S. and his later visit to Hiroshima. Video.
2023: Lyle Rubin speaking at Cori Bush’s press conference calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Video.
2024: John Burns speaking to NYC college class. Video.
2024: Joe Urgo responds to high school students questions on Gaza. Video.
2024: Rosa del Duca speaks to NYC college students. Video.
2024: Brittany Ramos DeBarros speaks to college students in NY. Video.
2024: Brittany Ramos DeBarros interviewed on the Refuse Fascism podcast. Audio. YouTube Audio.
2024: Brittany, Joy, Brian, John, Joe and Lyle interact with various college students during Fall 2024. The comments deal with PTS and moral injury, frequently raised issues. Video.
2025: On-going podcast by Lyle Rubin and another veteran, Van Jackson, about war movies, with an anti-imperialist twist. Podcast.