The world still cannot wait for the United States to cease being the biggest danger to world peace. Please support the message from people living in this country that humanity and the planet come first with your year-end donation.
Twenty years after bombing its way into Afghanistan, U.S. troops left in chaos, with the Taliban back in power and in possession of the weapons with which the U.S. littered the country. Half the population is now in danger of starvation. The U.S. brings disaster to the globe as the Biden administration targets Afghanistan and the region with its “over- the-horizon” force of weaponized drones, bombers, and the CIA in continuing the war of terror. World Can’t Wait joined the Ban Killer Drones coalition toexpose the illegitimacy, injustice and immorality of the U.S. program of weaponized drones and targeted killing.
Indefinite detention holds now through four U.S. presidents: 39 men are still held in the U.S. torture camp at Guantanamo, with only one released by Biden, though 13 have been cleared for release, some since 2010. January 11 is the 20th anniversary of this outrageously cruel symbol with which the U.S. threatens humanity. Join us in demanding Close Guantanamo Now and justice for those unjustly held there and in CIA “black sites.”
World Can’t Wait calls on everyone to pay close attention and act to stop the global climate emergency and the system driving it which threatens human civilization and life itself. The U.S. military burns more fossil fuel than any other institution, protecting its global system of exploitation and empire. It’s time to step up our determination to safeguard humanity and the planet.
Our path-breaking project We Are Not Your Soldiers had a remarkable 2021, reaching over a thousand students and engaging them in critical conversations. For example, remote visits were made to classes in a well-prepared New York City middle school; several NYC high schools including a special five-speaker series over one semester to the same five classes; high school students in Oregon about to read The Things They Carried set during the war on Vietnam; community colleges in North Carolina, Long Island and NYC; and universities in NYC and Philadelphia. And, we had our first on-line panel discussion with five of our speakers followed by a Memorial Day WIOX radio special interview with two We Are Not Your Soldiers presenters.
Our panel of male veterans who have so openly shared their compelling stories during We Are Not Your Soldiers talks haves been joined by two women veterans, one who was stationed in Iraq and one who became a conscientious objector in the National Guard due to her moral objections to the wars in the Middle East.
It is only with your help that we have internet presence and communication tools to continue our ground-breaking project of bringing veterans into classrooms without any charge to the schools. How else would young people get to hear these voices and dialogue with them on what has happened to the people of countries around the world due to U.S. military interventions?
Some excerpts from students’ paper in response to class visits:
“Without seeing such people, I could have made a drastic choice and change in my life and made it without being fully aware.”
“Once I saw that veterans understood that they were being used, my mind switched. I saw humanity in what I thought were robot killers. My resentment switched from the soldiers to the commanders of the soldiers.”
“The video they showed made my stomach turn and I became emotional knowing what people in the Middle East go through at the hands of the military. It was really disturbing to see how technology plays a hand in basically making it ‘easier’ to kill people, even if they are innocent.”
Click here to read Stephanie Rugoff’s article on We Are Not Your Sliders in the Radical Teacher.
Click here to read and/or print excepts from the article.
Two generous supporters will MATCH the first $5000 in donations, so make yours count double. It’s easy to send a check, and quicker to donate online at worldcantwait.net. Either can be tax-deductible.