We are now scheduling visits for our We Are Not Your Soldiers tour to high schools and colleges for the Fall 2019 semester.
Invite us to your school or educational program. If you are not a student, parent or educator, pass this information on to someone who is. Call us at 646-807-3259 or email wearenotyoursoldiers@worldcantwait.net. Do it soon while we still have openings for the Fall. We will arrange to get you a speaker, suited to the needs of your course/program requirements, either in person or via web hook-up.
We will arrange to be at your school no matter where you are geographically located.
If you are in the New York City area, we are scheduling for John and Will for the weeks of November 12th and November 18th. Joe is available in October, November and December.
During our school visits, veterans present their own personal stories of how they were affected by their time in the military within the context of U.S.wars, bringing another vision of the “war on terror” in which so many have been sacrificed by losing their lives and/or their humanity. We bring this exposure to a generation of youth that is largely unaware of what is being carried out around the world in their names.
At this time of growing awareness and activism among young people around the climate crisis, immigration and the Trump administration, we present another aspect which broadens and clarifies their understanding. While society is filled with violence and racism so many youth are seeking a different way of life.
When we go to a classroom, we engage in dialog where the students ask any questions and state their own opinions and thoughts. Utilizing critical thinking, students integrate information from different sources delineating and evaluating the arguments and claims to which they are exposed. However, students don’t have to believe what they hear in our presentations — we encourage them to investigate and do their own research. We work with the teacher to align the presentation with current curriculum.
Here we highlight a few
of our speakers. Their availability, and the availability of our other
speakers, depends on date, location and needs of the class.

U.S. Army veteran John Burns is back with us again.
This semester we are joined by Will Griffin, a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, who directs the Peace Report and was just elected to the board of About Face (formerly Iraq Veterans Against the War).

Some schools do historical studies of Vietnam or want to do a compare/contrast between current wars and the war in Vietnam. Vietnam veteran Joe Urgo has spoken at schools with We Are Not Your Soldiers since it started in 2006.
Invite us to your educational institution and/or pass the word on to others. And, please, donate to support this project. The veterans take time off from work and study and often travel large distances to do these visits. Your contribution helps cover travel expenses and small stipends. Help pay for printed materials to distribute to the students and for promotion via social media.
Contact us at 646-807-3259 or wearenotyoursoldiers@worldcantwait.net.