Join Our National Anti "Military Recruiters" Campaign In The Schools And Communities Featuring Iraq and Afghanistan Vets and World Can't Wait.
Schedule Veterans to Speak with Students
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We Are Not Your Soldiers has been scheduling anti-war veterans into classroom visits since 2006 via World Can’t Wait and formally, as a World Can’t Wait project, since 2008. Critical thinking is encouraged and demonstrated with the students. We aim, through this deep engagement, to clarify for some students why they should not join up, and for all students to develop an understanding and a desire to seek further information that challenges the official U.S. narrative on these endless wars of aggression.

Presenters who creatively, openly and honestly share their experiences of time in the U.S. military are available to visit classrooms in high schools and colleges. Visits can be in person or remote, in English or Spanish. There is no fee charged to the educator or school for the presentation. Preparatory and follow-up materials are shared with the instructor as requested to inspire and guide students in ways that align with curricular requirements.

Read about the presenters committed to truth-telling on the speakers’ panel: John BurnsJoy DamianiRosa del Duca, Miles Megaciph, Brittany Ramos DeBarros, Lyle Rubin, Joe Urgo and Miguel Gabriel Vazquez. Veterans from the war on Vietnam through the “war on terror” are prepared to share their stories through their words, film, music and poetry.

Contact WeAreNotYourSoldiers.org:

  • 646-807-3259
  • wearenotyoursoldiers@worldcantwait.org
  • DM on Facebook or Instagram

We look forward to hearing from you!  Please share this invite with educators, students and parents.  

Donations help us to provide a small stipend to presenters who miss a day of work, childcare or their own studies to speak about their lives. Support critical and creative thinking to promote understanding and positive action.

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