By Wil S. Hylton Photographer Christopher Anderson Aritcle from New York Magazine Sometimes Dean Walcott disappears. He’ll be sitting on the sofa, watching his boys play, their shouts and giggles slicing the air, […]
Below, Brock McIntosh of Iraq Veterans Against the War talks about the American Sniper movie. Brock McIntosh is an Army National Guard veteran who served in Afghanistan from November 2008 to August 2009. He applied for conscientious objector status and was discharged in May 2014. He is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War […]
Since 2008, the We Are Not Your Soldiers project has visited many high school and college campuses bringing the message that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have taken a deadly moral, psychological and physical toll on soldiers while bringing death, grievous injury, displacement and suffering to the people of those countries. The We Are […]
By Rory Fanning Dear Aspiring Ranger, You’ve probably just graduated from high school and you’ve undoubtedly already signed an Option 40 contract guaranteeing you a shot at the Ranger indoctrination program (R.I.P.). If you make it through R.I.P. you’ll surely […]
By Eric Mann There are at least three gifts we can give to the veterans and G.I.’s on veterans day. One is to bring all the troops home, close down all 800 U.S. military bases, provide “jobs or income now” and the most extensive program of medical and psychological support for the vets–and the entire […]
Soldiers, don’t die for empire, Don’t die for nasty deeds your leaders won’t have their own sons and daughters do. Don’t be deceived–don’t go. Soldiers, don’t give your only life for the lies of liars, They just want their profits, Dead bodies don’t deter. Soldiers don’t be used to kill the enemies that are not […]
A veteran commits suicide every 65 minutes in the USA, with over 30% of veterans having considered suicide. By Vince Emanuele | from Information Clearing House November 07, 2014 “ICH” – “Telesur“- Today, for the second time in less than a month, a veteran in […]
By Sylvia McGauley | from Rethinking Schools Air Force JROTC students from Buena Park High School, Coronado, California, 2006. U.S. Navy photo by Hermes Crespo “Will you please write me a letter of recommendation for the Navy, Ms. McGauley? You’re my best class.” Thanh was enrolled in the recently established Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps […]
The Human Cost of War: IVAW Testimony ~ Jacob David George at First Unitarian Church Jacob David George – veteran of three tours in Operation Enduring Freedom; cyclist; musician; member Iraq Veterans Against the War; Coordinator of Operation Awareness and A Ride Till the End In April 2013 we opened the doors of our church […]
By Debra Sweet It was heartbreaking to hear of the suicide of Jacob David George last week. He had been sent to Afghanistan three times with the Marines, from the age of 19-22. We met him in NYC on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, just on the even of OWS. An Arkansan, he rode his […]
By Lauren McCauley An insider in the U.S. military’s covert drone war has confirmed what critics of the killing program have long-warned: the program is far more “dangerous” than the government admits. In an op-ed published in Salon on Tuesday, the unnamed former Air Force imagery analyst writes, “I was the only line of defense between keeping someone alive […]