Join Our National Anti "Military Recruiters" Campaign In The Schools And Communities Featuring Iraq and Afghanistan Vets and World Can't Wait.

From Democracy Now | Original Article As Israel’s war on Gaza enters its 10th month, we speak with Mohammed Abu Hashem, a Palestinian American who ended a 22-year career in the U.S. Air Force after an Israeli airstrike in Gaza killed his aunt in October. “It was clear to me that I needed to step […]

By Marjorie Cohn From Truthout | Original Article As Israel continues its genocide against the Palestinians, the number of US conscientious objectors is increasing. On June 4, a coalition of active-duty service members, veterans and G.I. rights groups launched a campaign called Appeal for Redress V2 to encourage military personnel to tell Congress to stop […]

Our We Are Not Your Soldiers school visits ended for the spring semester with a presentation by West Point graduate and Army veteran Dean Feinman to two classes at a NYC community college. See this commentary by some NY students at another college he spoke at a couple of weeks prior. …the conversation with Dean from We are not […]

From Democracy Now | Original Article We speak with U.S. Army Major Harrison Mann, the first military and intelligence officer to publicly resign over the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza. Mann left his role at the Defense Intelligence Agency after a 13-year career, saying in a public letter explaining his resignation that […]

We received this request from Mattan Helman, the Executive Director of Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN) and an Israeli refuser. Over the last few weeks, there’s been a noticeable shift in Israeli public sentiment and we’ve received signs indicating the emergence of a new wave of refusal. Increasingly, Israelis view the ongoing fighting not merely as […]

By Alex Horton and John Hudson From The Washington Post | Original Article Maj. Harrison Mann said he feels “incredible shame and guilt” to know his work at the Defense Intelligence Agency has contributed to Palestinians’ suffering and death. A U.S. Army officer working at the Defense Intelligence Agency has resigned from the military, citing his objection to […]

We “traveled” remotely to college classrooms in April — we went to North Carolina and out to Long Island in NY. We also visited in NYC both in-person and remotely. Both NYC visits were to philosophy classes at a public university. Rosa del Duca explained how she had joined the National Guard in Montana thinking […]

By Seth Kershner From COMDWeb | Original Article Beginning in 2022 the New York Times began publishing an astonishing series of investigative articles on Junior ROTC — the most sustained and critical coverage of high school militarism in recent memory. As this issue of Draft NOtices points out, the articles led to congressional action to […]

The 2004 THQ game ‘Full Spectrum Warrior’ started with a contract with the Army for an Xbox trainer for infantry troops. It sold well enough to civilian audiences that it got a 2006 sequel. (Image courtesy of International Games Database) A note from We Are Not Your Soldiers: One of the main purposes for using […]

March saw We Are Not Your Soldiers visiting a lot of schools, one in Philadelphia and the rest in various boroughs of New York City. Lyle Rubin spoke remotely with four Philly high school classes that have been researching different career paths whose teacher wanted them to have more information about the military than they […]

By Gerry Condon From Common Dreams | Original Article Airman Larry Hebert, who began a hunger strike at the White House on Easter Sunday, says he was inspired by the self-immolation of active-duty Airman Aaron Bushnell. An active-duty Air Force airman is on a hunger strike in front of the White House, in solidarity with […]