You feel it when we say “stop the crimes of your government.” You agree “humanity and the planet come first.” Friends – join in the mission of World Can’t Wait and its We Are Not Your Soldiers project.
Become a monthly sustainer. Some sustainers give $2.00 – and many donate more – a month.
More sustainers are needed to expand the We Are Not Your Soldiers program this year.
Here’s why we need to reach students subject to military recruitment as the danger of global war increases:
- Two of the three U.S. soldiers, all African Americans, killed by a drone strike at a U.S. base in Jordan last month were babies, or not born yet, when 9/11 happened. Their families said they were in Jordan to “serve this country.” Did they know they were in Jordan to support a decades-long illegitimate, unjust and immoral war of terror by the U.S. in the region? Did they know they were helping their government to repress and kill other oppressed people?
- A recent Merchants of Death Tribunal evidentiary episode features Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug whose work began soon after the events of 9/11 with her investigation of “military moral injury.” This invisible epidemic (linked to the frighteningly high numbers of armed forces member and veteran suicides) springs from the “intolerable moral pain and suffering experienced by too many of the 1% fighting on the front lines of our war-culture.“
- We’ve been wanting to share a new piece of music, The System Isn’t Broken, from Joy Damiani, one of the veterans who presents to students with We Are Not Your Soldiers. Joy went into the military with assumptions that were dramatically changed through her harsh experience “making PR look like news and an unwinnable war look like a victory.”
So, please help get these veteran’s voices in front of youth vulnerable to being sucked into this monstrous military machine. Sustain We Are Not Your Soldiers.