New video just out by Miles Megaciph.
Written by: Miles Megaciph
Produced by: Steve Wallace
All Rights Reserved 2020 Soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/megaciph/no-fe…
The disregard of Black, Brown, Indigenous and poor lives must stop now. The world has risen up to see the plight of the Black American, the struggle of the stolen Africans still living, giving our all, and even thriving in America as a crime against humanity. The ongoing rape and pillaging of Africa must stop. The racist, politicized slaughtering of unarmed Black and Brown people in America and everywhere must stop now. The systems of structural oppression and racism that allow these injustices ends now. It must end peacefully, and it must end swiftly. Our human civilization is still in the early days and months of a global pandemic. This pandemic has brought us together in profoundly unexpected ways. We chose to stay home to help stop the spread, and many governments chose to go into lock down/austerity mode as a result. We have seen consumer economies show their weakness in the wake of decreased spending and people have finally begun to realize on a massive scale that a system based on the exploitation of resources is ultimately going to exploit them and their family as well. Hence, we have a broad based cross cultural ever growing body of women, children and men standing up to peacefully demand systemic change. #Justiceforgeorgefloyd #blacklivesmatter #silenceisviolence
Want Love … no fear now
Need Love … no fear now (4x)
Wash ya hands get it right good hygiene could save ya life
Keep ya hands out ya face ‘specially in a public place
Not least or last wear a mask take that class from Megaciph
You could save a life take a doc’s advice not lots of light no bleach to taste
With a yes and a no economy closed over pathogens we can detect
The long incubation time and DNA faking making the chain look correct
When in fact you can be infected impact your loved ones with that neglect
Let’s face it the president’s basic unlike his office this needs respect and
Love … no fear now (8x)
I value my freedoms defend our rights and and I’ll tweet it to let you know
With a post on the gram long form on Facebook YouTube with the live show
Our lives are material pouring the spiritual milk for this physical flow
Don’t sit back and watch as we get to marching let’s see how far we go
Stop spreading misinformation about hydroxychloroquine
Close contact and bumping into me in stores ain’t happening
I’m not dying for a country that just sees me as a good again
They don’t even see me unless it’s because of questioning me or the hood I’m in
Love … no fear now (8x)
Hubris makes us vulnerable also quite intolerable
Thinking we the best to pull wool over these vegetables
I ain’t living miserable race and hate invisible
Take a knee indivisible why my rights ain’t admissible?
King is Capital … Queen is Corona
Who holds the crown? … who is the owner?
Who is the master? … who’s the controller?
Can he give it up? … can she pass us over?
Love … no fear now (8x)
Diamond oh what a sound Platinum I got laying around
Gold power to behold SARS – COv2 rare to be found
Diamond oh what a sound Platinum I got laying around
Gold power to behold SARS – COv2 rare to be found
I want love no fear now
love no fear now
One Love www.megaciph.com