We continue to make remote visits to classes. At the end of February, we went to a large NYC high school with Miles Megaciph, Marines veteran, and spent the day with students in six classes. One student sent a note thanking him “for sharing with us your experience and journey from a former Marine to what you have become today. From the presentation, I learned about the importance of a war-free and violence-free country and the measures that should be taken to strive for one. I am greatly thankful to have been able to get a chance to meet and hear from you.” Read more thank yous here.
This month, with John Burns, Army veteran, we showed “Collateral Murder” as part of the presentation to a NY-area community college class and two classes at a NYC alternative high school engaged in a study of racism. At another NYC high school, we screened a clip from “Unmanned” to five drama/arts classes. During the discussion students noted the demoralizing juxtapositions such as being at war and then going to a bar to celebrate as well as the contradictions between morality and immorality.