Join Our National Anti "Military Recruiters" Campaign In The Schools And Communities Featuring Iraq and Afghanistan Vets and World Can't Wait.

On Monday, November 14, Matthis Chiroux and I presented the WANYS tour in four high schools classes in New York City. We started at 11 AM and went until 3:30 PM. Pretty grueling, but very much worth it. We were invited by a history teacher at the school. His classes were seniors, and he had […]

On Monday, May 23rd, a new addition to the “We Are Not Your Soldiers” campaign spoke to a classroom of students, and teachers. Former USMC Staff Sgt. and scout sniper, James Brower from Brooklyn, NY, decided it was time that he spoke up and reached out to high school students who are in the most […]

The We Are Not Your Soldiers Tour made its debut trip to Philadelphia this past week. In four presentations in two urban schools approximately 90 high-school students saw the “Collateral Murder” video with commentary from Ethan McCord. Anti-war veteran and war resister Matthis Chiroux and World Can’t Wait Steering Committee member Samantha Goldman discussed with […]

By: Joe Urgo, Viet Nam Veteran Another student… took off the national guard shirt he was wearing and gave it to Matthis saying he no longer would wear it. Matthis Chiroux, Iraq war resister and part of the “We Are Not Your Soldiers” tour, and I met with three groups of students at a Vermont […]