Greetings for 2025! We are scheduling visits by our panel of veterans to classes for this Spring semester — in person or via remote technology, in English or Spanish! Contact We Are Not Your Soldiers now to start planning the presentation to your students. Email us at wearenotyoursoldiers@worldcantwait.org, call us at 646-807-3259 or direct message us on Facebook or Instagram. Please be aware that there is no fee charged to the school.
Speaking openly and honestly about their experiences in the U.S. military, answering questions posed by the students, engaging in conversation with them while building a broader base of knowledge and encouraging critical thinking, meet these anti-war veterans: John Burns, Joy Damiani, Rosa del Duca, Chris “Henri” Henrikson, Miles Megaciph, Brittany Ramos DeBarros, Lyle Rubin, Brian Teucke, Shaniyat Turani-Chowdhury, Joe Urgo and Miguel Gabriel Vazquez.
Take a quick look at this short video to see Brittany, Joy, Brian, John, Joe and Lyle interact with various college students this fall to get a good sense of our visits and our presenters. The comments deal with PTS and moral injury, frequently raised issues.
This school year has seen a lot of societal changes and we found in the fall semester that students have more questions than ever around the Trump presidency, the war on Gaza and other issues affecting the world in general and the future for young people in particular. The classroom discussion broadens their perspective and provides new information that helps them develop an understanding and a desire to seek further information that provides challenges to the official U.S. narrative on these endless wars of aggression. We work with you to align presentations to your curricular needs and can provide introductory and follow-up materials as needed.
Your donations allow us to provide a small stipend to the veterans who miss a day of work, their own studies or need to cover childcare. Support creative thinking and promote understanding and positive action.