After an unprededented year and a half in the schools, we look forward to visiting more classes in high schools and colleges this fall semester. We’re raring to go. Educators and students: please contact us now to set up a time for us to engage in dialogue with your classes. For the fall term, visits will continue to be virtual.
The veterans speak directly with students on the impacts of continuing U.S. wars and how joining the military can mean losing your humanity. They share their experiences in the U.S. military where they were part of the vast machine carrying out policies of domination via wars, interventions, police actions, surveillance, drones or bases. Hearing directly from veterans speaking from their hearts, often revealing very personal insights, can be a life-changing experience for many students. The veterans share vivid stories of how they were affected by the military and the wars. Students are encouraged to voice ideas and questions in an environment where each person speaking is treated with respect. Responses are profound and questions are many.
Presenters this year include John Burns, Joy Damiani, Rosa del Duca, Miles Megaciph, Lyle Rubin and Joe Urgo.
If you are not an educator or a student, please pass on this information to anyone you know who is involved in education. It is so important, especially this year, as so many are thinking, with the “end” of the war in Afghanistan that the U.S. wars of aggression are over. As you readers know, they aren’t. We must get that information out.
Call us at 646-807-3259, email us at wearenotyoursoldiers@worldcantwait.net or message us on Facebook.
And, if you haven’t yet seen our recent article about We Are Not Your Soldiers in the online journal Radical Teacher, please read it now.