As the spring semester has started in high schools and colleges around the country, we look forward to visiting your class and engaging in deep discussion with students. Some schools function on quarters and we’re ready to plan with you for this quarter or next quarter. From time to time we do speak with middle school classes and, if that seems right for your situation, get in touch with us.
As the many wars (some 7 known) the U.S. has been involved in continue in one form or another and the 800+ U.S. bases continue to span the globe and increase in size and as the danger of nuclear war (the U.S. has by far the most weapons and is the only country that has used them) escalates daily, it is more important than ever to converse with this generation of students, providing information that is so sadly lacking in the society as a whole.
We plan with you, the educator, to link up the presenter and presentation to your curricular focus. We can provide preparatory and follow-up materials if needed and love to incorporate what we learn during our visits into our Resources.
Please be aware that there is no fee charged to the school for our presentations. Our program is supported by contributors who value the importance of veterans speaking out forthrightly to students.
We continue to primarily “visit” via remote technology but, depending on the syllabus and location, we can, in some instances, arrange an in-person visit. As always, whichever mode of presentation, each speaker shares their own experiences and is open to all questions and insights from the students. So many of the comments we receive from students each year stress these points. For example, students wrote:
- Regarding Joy: “I liked how real she was about everything. She answered questions without holding back.”
- Regarding Miles: “Thank you so much for sharing and turning an uncomfortable traumatic event into an inspiring lesson.”
- Regarding Joe: “Thank you for coming to our class to speak. I’m sure it was a very hard thing to talk about and I appreciate people who do hard things to benefit other people. Thank you for your nobility.”
- Regarding John: “I like how honest he was. It was really refreshing to hear someone speak from the heart about issues concerning men and women in the military.”
To get a sense of what a presentation is like, take a look at this 6-minute video giving you a glimpse into three presentations this fall.
And, of course, find out more about each of the veterans here: John Burns, Joy Damiani, Rosa del Duca, Dean Feinman, Will Griffin, Miles Megaciph, Lyle Rubin, Joe Urgo and Miguel Gabriel Vazquez.
To get in touch, email us at wearenotyoursoldiers@worldcantwait.net, call us at 646-807-3259 or message us on Facebook.