From Refuser Solildarity Network
My name is Yasmin Ricci-Yahav, I am 18 years old. In August 2019 I publicly refused to join the Israeli army, refused to serve the Israeli occupation.
I took this picture outside the Israeli military induction base, just before I was imprisoned.
Being a conscientious objector was hard -I was locked up in jail for 74 days, labelled as a traitor by mainstream media, and had friends and relatives shun me away. But it was also empowering: I had the opportunity to fight for justice and peace. I received an enormous wave of international solidarity that lifted my spirit in prison, and eventually helped lead to my release from prison.
My imprisonment may have ended but our struggle continues. I decided to spend the next year volunteering in Hadasa hospital in Jerusalem. I have also joined “Mesarvot”, an activist group that supports young Israeli teens who refuse to serve the occupation and help them prepare for possible imprisonment. These days Mesarvot activist are taking an leading role in the struggle against Trump’s and Netanyahu’s annexation plan.